
Salaries for healthcare administrators, physicians and clinicians vary based on geographic location, the size of the institution, education level, work experience and level of responsibility. This page include content about what healthcare workers are paid, and other factors that impact pay and personnel management.

dollar money graph increase finance

CMS finalizes 2024 MA payment rule with rate bump

According to CMS, MA plans will see an average payment increase of 3.32% from 2023 to 2024, worth approximately $13.8 billion in increases for next year.

Nurses plan to stay in the field, but they want more progress

A total of 80% of nurses plan to stay in healthcare until retirement––way up from the 55% who said the same in 2022.

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Healthcare groups ask CMS to create hybrid primary care payment option

Twenty-seven healthcare organizations signed the letter to CMS asking the agency to create a hybrid payment model, including the National Association of Accountable Care Organizations, AMGA, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the Primary Care Collaborative.

layoffs staff cuts termination workforce

Amgen to lay off 450 in second round of employee cuts

The move comes after the company reported revenues of $26.3 billion in 2022 and and a net income of more than $6.55 billion.

Physician compensation declined in 2022. Here are the highest-paid specialties

Physician compensation declined slightly 2.4% in 2022, according to a new study by Doximity.

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The 10 best and 10 worst states for physicians

WalletHub ranked which states are the best for doctors, looking at 19 key metrics, including wages, number of hospitals, population rate, competition and more. 

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Audit confirms former MetroHealth CEO hid unauthorized bonuses

During his time as president and CEO, Akram Boutros, MD, circumvented rules to pay himself nearly $2 million in bonuses and hid the money from the board of trustees.


Healthcare workers are unhappy with their pay

Just over half of healthcare workers believe they are paid fairly for their work.

Around the web

U.S. cardiology groups have worked together to propose the creation of a new American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine for certifying cardiologists. Now, after many months of waiting, a final decision is expected by the end of February. 

GE HealthCare said the price of iodine contrast increased by more than 200% between 2017 to 2023. Will new Chinese tariffs drive costs even higher?

American College of Cardiology President Cathie Biga, MSN, says Medicare payment reform remains a top priority going forward. Site-neutral payments and improved access to PAD screening are two other issues close to the ACC's heart.