Medical Group Management Association (MGMA)

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) serves members, customers, and the healthcare community as a trusted partner by delivering insights, solutions, and advocacy to achieve medical practice excellence. MGMA advocates for priority issues affecting medical groups in Washington, D.C. and assists members in meeting the challenges posed by today’s rapidly evolving healthcare environment. 

Medicare money payment

Medicare Advantage faces criticism for administrative burdens, pushing doctors to opt out

Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Senior Vice of Government Affairs, Anders Gilberg, explains the frustration surrounding the Medicare Advantage program.


value quality value-based care

MGMA's perspective on CMS’s 2030 shift to value-based care

Anders Gilberg, Senior Vice of Government Affairs at Medical Group Management Association, explains the issues that will complicate moving Medicare from fee-for-service to value-based care models in five years.


MGMA's Anders Gilberg calls on CMS and Congress to extend telemedicine and highlights the issues involved.

Congress hesitates on long-term telemedicine expansion admid advocacy push

Congress temporarily extended telemedicine provisions until March amid lobby efforts by the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) and others to make the provisions permanent.

MGMA's Anders Gilberg discusses concerns on Medicare physician fee schedule

MGMA concerned by 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule

The Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) Senior Vice of Government Affairs, Anders Gilberg, explains MGMA’s 28-page letter to CMS on issues with the proposed 2025 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule.


Industry groups applaud bill connecting Medicare payments to inflation

Healthcare groups are applauding a bill in the House of Representatives that would ensure Medicare payments are tied to inflation.

Healthcare industry reacts to PHE ending in May

MGMA and AHA discuss how the end of the PHE will impact healthcare stakeholders.

Claire Ernst, director of government affairs, Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), explains the list of priorities for the association. These include staving off the large, planned 2023 Medicare reimbursement cuts, fighting for continuation of reimbursements for telehealth, and revamping prior authorizations.

VIDEO: Top priorities for the Medical Group Management Association in 2022

Claire Ernst, director of government affairs, Medical Group Management Association (MGMA), explains the list of priorities for the association, include staving off the large Medicare reimbursement cuts, continuation of telehealth reimbursements, and revamping prior authorizations. 

files paperwork work load

Healthcare groups react to prior authorization proposed rule

Healthcare groups are largely excited by a new proposed rule from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that aims to streamline prior authorization and reduce burden on healthcare providers.

Around the web

A string of executive orders from the White House created serious concerns among radiologists and other healthcare providers throughout the United States. The American College of Radiology issued a statement to help guide its members through the chaos. 

Bridgefield Capital, founded in 2015, has previously invested in such popular brands as Cirque Du Soleil, Del Monte and Quiksilver. This transaction is expected to be completed in the second half of 2025. 

Given the precarious excitement of the moment—or is it exciting precarity?—policymakers and healthcare leaders must set directives guiding not only what to do with AI but also when to do it.