Healthcare Associations

 Radioactive glasses sold by the Radium Products Company starting in 1928 to allegedly strengthen eyesight and cure eye ailments. The AMA investigated and deemed the product medical quackery. The AMA said it did not contain enough radium to be therapeutic and if it did it would be dangerous. Part of the medical quackery display at the AMA headquarters in Chicago. Photo by Dave Fornell

PHOTO GALLERY: AMA display of medical quackery and ineffective, dangerous alternative medicine

The American Medical Association has a collection of artifacts on health fraud quackery at its Chicago headquarters office.

July 18, 2024
A sign for reducing physician burnout, which was one of the top priorities at the American Medical Association (AMA) 2022 House of Delegates meeting. Photo by Dave Fornell

AMA says physician burnout rate drops below 50% for first time since 2020

The latest data from the AMA shows physician burnout levels have fallen below 50% for the first time since 2020.

July 15, 2024
AMA graphic showing Medicare payment inflationary updates for most providers, but not physicians. #AMA #medicarereform

AMA: Community practices unsustainable with low Medicare and Medicaid physician payments

The American Medical Association says payment policies are challenging the viability of smaller physician practices, which will eventually cause healthcare access issues.

July 10, 2024
Clinician and physician burnout is fueling the large numbers of resignations in healthcare, which are fueled by a handful of factors, including adequate staffing and being bogged down in non-clinical work, especially with inefficient EMRs.

AMA: Examining a doctors’ health data can help detect burnout

More than 50% of physicians reported feeling burned out, leading to large numbers retiring or changing jobs The AMA now wants to look at healthcare worker medical records to help identify workplace stressors and how to improve well-being.

July 3, 2024
Sign supporting advocacy efforts supporting telemedicine at the American Medical Association (AMA) annual meeting of its House of Delegates. Telehealth sign at the AMA 2022 meeting. Photo by Dave Fornell

AMA will aggressively support permanent telemedicine reimbursement

The American Medical Association said it will lobby for an indefinite extension of Medicare reimbursement for telemedicine services, fighting a Dec. 31, 2024, sunset date.

June 28, 2024
The American Medical Association adopted a policy calling for medical staff to be involved in decisions about adopting artificial intelligence, augmented intelligence (AI) that may impact patient care. AMA House of delegates HOB_2022_DF_podium_10.jpeg

Medical staff must have a say in what AI is adopted for patient care, says AMA

The American Medical Association adopted a policy calling for medical staff to be involved in decisions about adopting AI that may impact patient care.

June 21, 2024
The ASNC team at the 2024 AMA meeting, Georgia Lawrence, JD, ASNC director of regulatory affairs; Suman Tandon, MD, FASNC, delegate to the AMA HOD and cardiac imager at NYU Langone; and Kathy Flood, ASNC CEO. #AMA #AMA24 #AMA2024 #AMAHOD #ASNC

ASNC supports AMA effort to limit use of AI in prior authorization decisions

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) supports an AMA policy that condemns the use AI to make prior authorization decisions rather than a doctor or clinician.

June 18, 2024
Prior authorization documentation in the Konica Minolta Exa PACS. The AMA wants to make insurance p[roviders liable for patient harm caused by prior authorization delays or denials. Photo by Dave Fornell

AMA wants insurers to be accountable when prior authorization harms patients

The American Medical Association (AMA) House of Delegates this week approved two policies aimed at increasing insurer accountability and transparency amid an explosion of prior authorization requirements.

June 12, 2024

Around the web

Nearly 130 healthcare groups are urging Congress to pass legislation that would provide relief to U.S. physicians struggling to keep up with wave after wave of payment reductions.

Businesses in the cardiovascular health space have been busy in recent weeks, announcing one big financing round after another. 

While 16% of male cardiologists have a net worth of more than $5 million, the same is true for just 6% of female cardiologists.

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