
Salaries for healthcare administrators, physicians and clinicians vary based on geographic location, the size of the institution, education level, work experience and level of responsibility. This page include content about what healthcare workers are paid, and other factors that impact pay and personnel management.


UVA Health CEO steps down following internal investigation

Craig Kent served in his role for five years and resigned on Tuesday after an investigation into patient safety and hiring concerns followed employees signing a letter of no confidence.

Andrew Witty CEO UnitedHealth Group Leaked Video

UnitedHealth CEO defends company, plans to honor legacy of Brian Thompson

In a viral video, the CEO of UnitedHealth Group defended the claims denial practices of its insurance arm, touting its important role in guarding the healthcare system. He asked employees to tune out "critical noise" on social media. 

Cath lab staff working in an outpatient ambulatory surgical center (ASC) for cardiovascular procedures at a Banner Health ASC in Sun City, Arizona.

Cath lab techs and nurses see new normal with post-COVID pay

In the post-COVID era, wages for permanent RNs are rising, and wages for travelers are decreasing. A new report tracked these trends and more. 

Bharath Krishnamurthy, a director of health policy and analytics at the American Hospital Association (AHA), factors that are leading to instability the U.S. healthcare system. #AHA #AmericanHospitalAssociation #CMS #Healthcare

Challenges to the financial stability of the American healthcare system

Bharath Krishnamurthy, director of health policy and analytics, American Hospital Association, explains factors leading to the economic instability of the U.S. healthcare system. 

Bharath Krishnamurthy, a director of Health Policy and Analytics at the American Hospital Association (AHA), explains the financial impact of the growing healthcare staffing shortage.

Healthcare staffing shortages leading to financial instability

Bharath Krishnamurthy, a director of health policy and analytics at the American Hospital Association, explains the financial impact of current healthcare staffing shortages.

doctor's open hand waiting for a payment

CMS proposes 2.8% pay cut for providers in 2025

The average payment rate to physicians is suggested to be reduced by 2.93% in 2025 under the proposed fee schedule change, the agency noted. 

AMA graphic showing Medicare payment inflationary updates for most providers, but not physicians. #AMA #medicarereform

AMA: Community practices unsustainable with low Medicare and Medicaid physician payments

The American Medical Association says payment policies are challenging the viability of smaller physician practices, which will eventually cause healthcare access issues.

Drawing inspiration from the World War II “Why We Fight” campaign that rallied support for the U.S. war effort, American Medical Association (AMA) President Jesse M. Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, drew comparisons with the uphill battles physicians are facing today with dwindling reimbursements, physicians shortages, burnout and administrative fights against prior authorization burdens and attempts to preserve access to telehealth. #AMA #AMAHOD24 #AMAHOD2024 #HOD #HOD24 #HOD2024

AMA president calls for physicians to take war-time footing in fight over reimbursement, care quality

Drawing inspiration from the World War II “Why We Fight” campaign that rallied support for the U.S. war effort, AMA President Jesse  Ehrenfeld, MD, spoke on the uphill battles physicians are facing today.

Around the web

Boston Scientific has announced another significant M&A deal, scooping up an Israeli medtech company focused on RDN technology. 

Harvard’s David A. Rosman, MD, MBA, explains how moving imaging outside of hospitals could save billions of dollars for U.S. healthcare.

The recall comes after approximately 3% of patients treated with the device during the early stages of its U.S. rollout experienced a stroke or transient ischemic attack following surgery. The expected stroke rate is closer to 1%, the FDA explained.