Money dollar investments

Businesses in the cardiovascular health space have been busy in recent weeks, announcing one big financing round after another. 

auditorium conference

A conference on neurology is described by reporters as "shambolic," offering only bare bones presentations and accommodations. And the number of these events may be on the rise.

healthcare AI

No time like the present to canvass experts for their opinions on which tools are tops. 

walmart health

The clinics will open in 2025 with a new focus on providing primary care to seniors under the CareWell and Conviva brands.

The way a cardiology department's management is organized can have a direct impact on physician satisfaction and patient care. "Without good governance and leadership, nothing else matters," one expert said. 

Medical professionals using AI in clinical decision-making should limit the technology’s reach to a supportive role, says the ACP.

Less than a third of companies employing tech-equipped knowledge workers have a formal AI strategy in place. And “dangerous divides” separate such workers from the leaders to whom they ultimately report.