Why ACA stabilization funds were kept out of the omnibus spending bill

Medical societies are asking Congress to be involved in Medicare reform efforts.

The $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill released on March 21 includes boosts in funding for HHS, the National Institutes of Health and efforts to fight opioid abuse. What was left out were measures aimed at stabilizing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges with funding for additional reinsurance and restoring the law’s cost-sharing reduction subsidies.

Providence Tarzana Medical Center moves ahead with $542M expansion plan

Providence Tarzana Medical Center expansion rendering

Rendering of the proposed expansion to Providence Tarzana Medical Center in Los Angeles 


Providence St. Joseph Health

A Los Angeles City Council committee approved plans for a $542 million expansion of Providence Tarzana Medical Center that will include a new patient wing with a pediatric intensive care unit and new surgical facilities, along with renovations to the emergency department, patient rooms and lobby.