The news comes after the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office issued a report that it objected to the merger on the basis that it violates New Hampshire law.
“We know that premature babies have a better chance of survival if they get a high quality of care in the first month of birth,” Jong-Hoon Kim, associate professor at the Washington State University School of Engineering and Computer Science and a co-corresponding author on the study, said in a statement.
The American College of Cardiology (ACC), Association of Black Cardiologists, American Heart Association and Society for Cardiovascular Angiography & Interventions are just some of the healthcare organizations supporting the FDA's proposal.
The new health system will have a combined footprint across Illinois, Wisconsin, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, serving approximately 5.5 million patients.
Healthcare executives may need to do some creative thinking to manage the shrinking margins and labor shortages currently being seen throughout the industry.