The COVID lockdowns at the Shanghai plant began on March 31, and although the plant there has since resumed operations, they are not yet at 100% capacity.
Terry Bowers, MD, director of vascular medicine at Beaumont Hospital and national co-chair of the Pulmonary Embolism Research Collaborative (PERC), explains the trend toward creating pulmonary embolism (PE) response teams that include cardiology.
Nurse working in a COVID care unit at Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix. A new study shows the metal health of nurses under the pandemic can directly impact the level of care their patients receive. Image from Banner Health.
More than 1 million lives have been lost in the U.S. from COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Combining ensemble AI models with reads from breast radiologists of mixed experience levels can help health systems consistently diagnose malignant architectural distortion on mammography.