Precision Medicine

Also called personalized medicine, this evolving field makes use of an individual’s genes, lifestyle, environment and other factors to identify unique disease risks and guide treatment decision-making.

Philips to ship mobile MRIs to Afghanistan

Naval Medical Logistics Command has contracted with Philips Healthcare for two mobile MRI systems to be shipped to Afghanistan to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury of wounded soliders.

Data wanted, happy to share

I took a short break yesterday to check out a couple of the Health Data Initiative Forums rapid-fire live video app demonstrations. Two things quickly became apparent. First, the amount of high-quality data and metadata publicly available for research, clinical decision support and other purposes has reached critical massbut theres plenty of room for more. Second, these data-silo-buster efforts might be where your next app comes from.

White House disputes McKinsey study on healthcare reform

A June report from the McKinsey Quarterly on how the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act will affect employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) hit the internet and created a virtual ripple right up to Pennsylvania Avenue and elicited a response from the White House itself.

Donation extends Mayo's telestroke prgram

The Mayo Clinic will expand its telestroke program, which provides remote evaluation and treatment of stroke, especially those in rural settings.

SleepBot ices IOM-NAE challenge competition

SleepBot, an app that charts and benchmarks users' sleep habits against potential threats associated with sleep deprivation, claimed the top prize in the Go Viral to Improve Health: Institute of Medicine (IOM)-National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Health Data Collegiate Challenge.

McKesson nets 44 deals for molecular, genetic tests

Forty-four managed care organizations have licensed McKesson's molecular and genetic diagnostic management technologies, including recent new health plan customers Molina Healthcare, Paramount Healthcare and Providence Health Plans, part of the five-state Providence Health & Services.

Feds to award prizes for health IT solutions

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) have unveiled the Investing in Innovations (i2) Initiative, which intends to spur innovation in health IT through prizes and competitions to accelerate the development of solutions and communities to combat challenges in health IT.

JACR: A natural language processing primer

As the victory of IBMs supercomputer Watson on Jeopardy highlighted, natural language processing (NLP) has made great strides since its introduction in the 1950s, with radiologists setting their sights on the technologys approaching clinical applications, outlined the authors of a June commentary in the Journal of the American College of Radiology.

Around the web

Boston Scientific has announced another significant M&A deal, scooping up an Israeli medtech company focused on RDN technology. 

Harvard’s David A. Rosman, MD, MBA, explains how moving imaging outside of hospitals could save billions of dollars for U.S. healthcare.

The recall comes after approximately 3% of patients treated with the device during the early stages of its U.S. rollout experienced a stroke or transient ischemic attack following surgery. The expected stroke rate is closer to 1%, the FDA explained.