Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 

House passes individual mandate exemption for co-op enrollees

Legislation shielding customers of failed Affordable Care Act (ACA) co-ops from penalties for not buying health coverage has passed the House, offering a slim exemption from one of the law’s signature components, the individual mandate.

FDA drug reviewers often end up at pharma companies

More than a quarter (27 percent) of Food and Drug Administration (FDA) workers responsible for approving cancer and hematology drugs went on to work for the companies making those drugs, according to a new study published in The BMJ.

GAO: HHS oversight flaws leave EHR data vulnerable

A report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) harshly criticized HHS’s guidance on privacy and security for health information, saying it fails to meet cybersecurity standards of other federal agencies and provides advice to covered entities that doesn’t help prevent future data breaches.

New campaign to enroll more young people on ACA exchanges

Following up on plans HHS announced in June, CMS has outlined additional recruitment efforts to attract younger, healthier enrollees on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges to improve the risk pool.

FTC loss on blocking Hershey-Pinnacle hospital merger reversed on appeal

The merger of Penn State Hershey Medical Center and Pinnacle Health System in Pennsylvania can be blocked by the Federal Trade Commission, according to a ruling by a federal appeals court judge, reversing a decision in May that went against the FTC.

FDA approves drug biosimilar to Humira

The FDA approved a new drug called Amjevita Sept. 23. The drug, adalimumab-atto, is made by the California-based company Amgen and is biosimilar to the AbbVie drug Humira (adalimumab). 

Sylvia Burwell discusses ACA, provider success on podcast

Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Sylvia Burwell doesn’t have much time left in her position. Her boss’s second presidential term is almost over, so her role as steward of his hallmark policy, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), will be over too. 

Last-minute exchange decisions: Nebraska loses BCBS, Highmark stays in 3 states

Sept. 23 was the final day for insurers to confirm their health insurance exchange participation in the states relying on the federal Healthcare.gov marketplace. Last-minute decisions by two insurers will affect coverage options in Delaware, Nebraska, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. 

Around the web

In the post-COVID era, wages for permanent RNs are rising, and wages for travelers are decreasing. A new report tracked these trends and more. 

Two medical device companies have announced a transaction that could shake up the U.S. electrophysiology market. 

These companies were already part of the Johnson & Johnson family, but they had still retained their previous brand names. Now, each one is officially going by Johnson & Johnson MedTech. 

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