Telecardiology saw a major boost during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many health systems now want to keep it as a permanent treatment option.
An integrated delivery network that covers five and a half million lives is bringing in Google Cloud to help build and maintain a patient-centric platform with advanced analytic and AI capabilities.
If a scientific survey of 788 representative Americans conducted in July is a reliable bellwether, the country could fall short of getting to the 70% vaccination rate needed to achieve community, or “herd,” immunity.
National health spending accounted for 17.7% of gross domestic product in 2019 as it grew 4.6% to $3.8 trillion over 2018’s tally. Meanwhile CMS projects health expenditures to accelerate in the coming years, averaging 5.4% and reaching $6.2 trillion by 2028.
Rising COVID costs and persistent reimbursement woes have 90% of almost 1,000 U.S. nursing homes operating at a loss or on a profit margin of under 3%, according to survey results released this week.
Only 19 of 159 radiation oncology professionals working across Canada, or 12%, feel they’re well-versed in AI. However, more than 90% are open to learning its ways.
The scientists focused on getting their AI to mimic the cortical mechanism of “gating,” which controls information flow between neuron clusters to apply existing knowledge to new situations.
Analyzing timestamped EHR data from more than 21 million primary care visits in 2017, researchers have ascertained average lengths of visit and other metrics useful to assessing care quality.
Three of the most influential associations in U.S. healthcare are joining voices to press all healthcare workers: Please get vaccinated against COVID-19.