Until this week, the least densely populated continent was the only one of the world’s seven that looked like it might escape the COVID crisis unscathed. Now there are none.
The Mayo Clinic has had better outcomes with COVID-19 patients than the national average, achieving a mortality rate of 1.1% vs. approximately 3% for the U.S. as a whole.
Official mandates to social distance during the COVID-conscious holidays are going to fall on many a deaf ear if they fail to respect a ubiquitous human impulse at the core of such annual celebrations.
Researchers have used explainable AI to break down a hypothetical animal’s foraging behaviors into measurable cognitive dynamics. They hope their success leads to a better understanding of how humans think.
Now comes a boomlet in vendors looking to piggyback on Viz.ai’s success, according to Niall Brennan, MPP, a member of Viz.ai’s advisory board who is also the head of the Healthcare Cost Institute.
A few months into the COVID crisis, the health department of California’s Contra Costa County faced an unexpected side challenge: Staff were getting inundated by faxes bearing vital health data.
The revised system gives states greater leeway than they’ve had to cut value-based purchasing deals with pharma companies on innovative but expensive drugs.
Locking down childcare over COVID-19 in a state whose programs serve more than half a million children a day would force 75% of families to work less and 59% to quit a job outright.