Why is it common for patients with no coverage at all to pay much lower prices than their insured peers—or for those with high-deductible plans to pay out of pocket even after reaching the high deductible?
Teleophthalmology incorporating AI has a bright future in advanced vision care, and the potential indications branch out in many directions from screening for diabetic retinopathy.
Technology educators, tech-policy wonks and hospital clinical leaders from three countries have collaborated to produce a helpful guide for end-users of healthcare-specific AI tools—and the patients they serve.
Physicians received higher pay in 2020, with a minor compensation increase, according to the annual AMGA Medical Group Compensation and Productivity Survey.
Going head-to-head against a small group of clinicians in 50 care episodes, an AI-based smartphone app has equaled or bested the humans at triaging patients to the most appropriate site of care.
While big breakthroughs in healthcare AI seem to have slowed in recent weeks, those involving other hot technologies have kept the content coming for publishers of peer-reviewed medical journals.