UW's Health Innovation Challenge announces winners
The University of Washington's Foster School's Buerk Center for Entrepreneurship held its first Health Innovation Challenge and announced the top three winners.
A selection panel of more than 40 judges narrowed down the initial applicant pool of 34 teams down to 18 groups.
The winners are:
Grand prize: Engage - Engage works to improve medical technology in developing countries with scarce resources, initially focusing on reducing the spread of blood-borne pathogens as a result of contaminated injections.
Second place: miPS Labs - This startup allows you to preserve your youngest cells today to repair and regenerate your body tomorrow.
Third place: MultiModal Health - MultiModal uses advanced data science and engaging software to quantify rehab, extending advanced treatment from the clinic to the home.
Based on the success of the challenge, the university has scheduled next year's event for March 1, 2017.