NY HIE offers immunization reporting
Providers in the greater Buffalo region of New York can use the regional health information exchange--HEALTHeLINK--for automated immunization reporting to the New York State Immunization Information System (NYSIIS).
State law requires providers outside of New York City to report to NYSIIS immunizations administered to patients under age 19 along with their immunization histories. Currently, providers must sign on to a separate system and manually enter individual immunizations or upload a file to the application. With this new automated web service, immunizations that are documented by clinicians in the patient’s EHR are securely transported to NYSIIS without the clinician needing to leave their EHR workflow.
HEALTHeLINK can now access the immunization data from provider EHR systems and transmit them to NYSIIS. HEALTHeLINK’S immunization reporting web service also supports providers’ achievement of Meaningful Use Stage 1 and Stage 2 public health objectives.