Providers utilize business intelligence to monitor referral patterns and collaborate with clinicians who order their services. Such analytics tools have also been deployed in the specialty to improve productivity, track patient satisfaction and bolster quality.
New data from the Private Equity Stakeholder Project reveals that, while 11% of all-sector bankruptcies were filed by organizations with a history of ownership by investment firms, that number rises to 21% for healthcare.
Standing FDA guidance reflects concern over physicians deferring to AI-aided CDS recommendations when pressed for time or uncertain of their own judgments. Is that stance outdated?
The insurance giant said it will link executive compensation to provider and patient satisfaction, in addition to releasing an annual transparency report on claims reimbursement and denials.
However, an analysis from research firm PitchBook suggests a rebound could be on the horizon, as investors shift their gaze to specialty care services.
As debate simmers over how best to regulate AI, experts continue to offer guidance on where to start, how to proceed and what to emphasize. A new resource models its recommendations on what its authors call the “SETO Loop.”
Oral decongestants containing phenylephrine were found not to be effective. However, nasal sprays of the same drug are not subject to the FDA’s proposed order.
Samantha Maltin, a former marketing executive at Sesame Workshop, will now lead branding and public outreach initiatives at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
U.S. cardiology groups have worked together to propose the creation of a new American Board of Cardiovascular Medicine for certifying cardiologists. Now, after many months of waiting, a final decision is expected by the end of February.
American College of Cardiology President Cathie Biga, MSN, says Medicare payment reform remains a top priority going forward. Site-neutral payments and improved access to PAD screening are two other issues close to the ACC's heart.