Health IT

Healthcare information (HIT) systems are designed to connect all the elements together for patient data, reports, medical imaging, billing, electronic medical record (EMR), hospital information system (HIS), PACS, cardiology information systems (CVIS)enterprise image systemsartificial intelligence (AI) applications, analytics, patient monitors, remote monitoring systems, inventory management, the hospital internet of things (IOT), cloud or onsite archive/storage, and cybersecurity.

Beacon Community evaluation finds mixed progress

The 17 Beacon Community programs established across the country have made mixed progress  when it comes to health IT use and quality measures, according to a new report funded by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT. 


Year in Review: Health privacy and security had a 'dismal year'

2015 has been a dismal year for security in healthcare, former White House security Czar Richard Clarke said at the Privacy and Security Forum, and a review of the headlines make it clear he was right.

Stage 3 comments: ACP says 'recast MU under MIPS'

Meaningful Use is a significant component of the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) but both will fail without substantial changes, according to the American College of Physicians in its comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services about the MU Stage 3 final rule.

Indiana hospitals achieve Stage 7

HIMSS Analytics has awarded three hospitals of the Munster, Ind.-based Community Healthcare System with Stage 7 of its EMR Adoption Model. 


Despite need for HIT, few are 'champions'

Few healthcare providers are experienced with information mobility--the ability to seamlessly capture, manage and transform information regardless its format, where it comes from or where it needs to go—even though that is probably the path to success with federal initiatives including Meaningful Use and accountable care.


Cybersecurity issues extend beyond healthcare

Healthcare has faced several high-profile cyberattacks this year but it’s not the only industry feeling the repercussions of data breaches. 

UWM to settle HIPAA violations for $750K

The University of Washington Medicine has agreed to settle HIPAA violations for $750,000 following a 2013 data breach that exposed the health information of 90,000 patients.

Epic endows three faculty positions at UW-Madison

Epic is giving generously to the University of Wisconsin-Madison this holiday season, endowing three faculty associate positions in the computer sciences department. 

Around the web

No devices need to be returned at this time. However, the FDA warned, using these heart pumps without reviewing the updated instructions could result in "serious injury or death.” 

The FDA recently cleared the company's cable-free, credit card-sized heart monitor that produces 12-lead ECGs.

If 25% tariffs go into effect, it could have a big impact on the cost of medical imaging and radiotherapy systems, with many manufacturing facilities in Mexico.