GE Healthcare


Enhance Radiologist Productivity with a More Agile PACS Environment

The disparate system architecture existing in most radiology departments today has resulted from the addition of multiple, dedicated workstations and mini-PACS to the environment without adequate integration into the workflow.


Oklahoma State University Medical Center: CVIS Enhances Image Quality & Productivity

Join Connie Ryan, Cardiology Resource Manager at Oklahoma State University Medical Center as she shares how OSUMC was successful in enhancing their physicians workflow and in increasing productivity in their echo lab with the GE Healthcare's Centricity Cardio Enterprise Solution (CCE).


Next-gen Productivity for Enterprise Imaging

Radiology departments have been seeking ways to work better—managing images from multiple PACS and multiple departments and seeking to increase radiologists' reading efficiency by delivering more information to their workstation. But in a world of disparate PACS and multi-ology images, what is the solution?


High Performance Collaborative Care Webinar Series—Defining a Universal Viewer

Radiology departments have been seeking ways to work better-managing images from multiple PACS and multiple departments and seeking to increase radiologists' reading efficiency by delivering more information to their workstation. In a world of disparate PACS and multi-ology images, the notion of a universal workstation to deliver patient results efficiently is both a necessity and now - a reality.


Images Anywhere, Anytime: Web-Based PACS and RIS PACS

This webcast focuses on the utilization of Web-based PACS & RIS/PACS as a means for healthcare organizations to stay competitive, maximize relationships with the physician community, and reduce expenses while increasing the number of clean claims through streamlined billing. Watch as experts from three leading facilities discuss the advantages of implementing Web-based PACS and RIS/PACS.


Cardiology PACS & CVIS: Implementing Digital Strategies

Please watch this webcast and Q&A with clinical, administrative and IT leaders answering questions and addressing your concerns regarding the implementation of a cardiology PACS system.


Next-Generation Healthcare Image & Information Exchange: The Foundation of Imaging Workflow and EMR Integration

With heightened interest and incentives for EMR and image and information sharing as part of a health information exchange--healthcare executives are focusing on coordinating their financial, clinical and technical resources on building and integrating a healthcare image and information archive that leverages their current IT investments while providing the foundation for imaging exchange workflow and EMR integration.