Physician plaintiff: ‘I shouldn’t have to risk losing my license—or getting jail time’ over telehealth visits

telemedicine lawsuit new jersey

When policymakers eased rules and restrictions governing telemedicine in 2020, many patients and their doctors saw the change as one shiny silver lining in the very dark cloud that was the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately for them, that period has passed. 

Cardiologists speak out about reimbursement cuts, say Congress ‘left clinicians holding the bag’

Medicare money payment reimbursement dollar decline. More than 100 U.S. medical societies are throwing their support behind a new proposal that could reform out-of-date Medicare policies and help limit future payment cuts. 

When Congress passed its latest continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown, it provided no relief for cardiologists and other physicians impacted by ongoing Medicare reimbursement cuts. The American College of Cardiology responded to this development with yet another plea for change.