Researchers may have identified a new biomarker that can help diagnose autism spectrum disorder in some children, according to a study published in Biological Psychiatry.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is creating a voluntary privacy framework that will help organizations find better ways to protect individuals’ private information in an age of new technology.
The first state to implement work requirements for certain Medicaid beneficiaries has seen thousands of residents lose healthcare coverage, the Arkansas Democrat reported.
Three health foundations are teaming up to create a not-for-profit entity that will develop generic drugs, helping address chronic shortages and counter rising drug prices.
The Office of the National Coordination for Health Information Technology (ONC) and HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR) are pushing for increased interoperability and fewer hurdles when it comes to sharing health information.
Rural healthcare providers and facilities face numerous geographic obstacles to providing adequate care. Researchers showed how telehealth videoconferencing can connect remotely located VA medical centers with infectious disease experts to improve antibiotic stewardship.
Rural healthcare providers and facilities face numerous geographic obstacles to providing adequate care. Researchers showed how telehealth videoconferencing can connect remotely located VA medical centers with infectious disease experts to improve antibiotic stewardship.
Voters are thinking about healthcare when it comes to the upcoming 2018 midterm elections, with pre-existing conditions becoming a widespread concern and a top campaign issue, according to the latest tracking poll from Kaiser Health.