The Mayo Clinic has had better outcomes with COVID-19 patients than the national average, achieving a mortality rate of 1.1% vs. approximately 3% for the U.S. as a whole.
Official mandates to social distance during the COVID-conscious holidays are going to fall on many a deaf ear if they fail to respect a ubiquitous human impulse at the core of such annual celebrations.
Researchers have used explainable AI to break down a hypothetical animal’s foraging behaviors into measurable cognitive dynamics. They hope their success leads to a better understanding of how humans think.
Now comes a boomlet in vendors looking to piggyback on’s success, according to Niall Brennan, MPP, a member of’s advisory board who is also the head of the Healthcare Cost Institute.
A few months into the COVID crisis, the health department of California’s Contra Costa County faced an unexpected side challenge: Staff were getting inundated by faxes bearing vital health data.
The revised system gives states greater leeway than they’ve had to cut value-based purchasing deals with pharma companies on innovative but expensive drugs.
Locking down childcare over COVID-19 in a state whose programs serve more than half a million children a day would force 75% of families to work less and 59% to quit a job outright.
Telecardiology saw a major boost during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many health systems now want to keep it as a permanent treatment option.
An integrated delivery network that covers five and a half million lives is bringing in Google Cloud to help build and maintain a patient-centric platform with advanced analytic and AI capabilities.