“For patients with cardiovascular disease, abortion access is a critical part of their comprehensive cardiovascular and reproductive care,” according to the three authors of a new commentary piece in JAMA Cardiology.
Kirk Garratt, MD, medical director of the Center for Heart and Vascular Health, ChristianaCare, and a past president of SCAI, explains what this shortage means for interventional cardiologists.
The device is a novel self-operated prenatal home ultrasound solution that enables pregnant women to self-scan for remote clinical assessment by their healthcare provider when the device is combined with their smartphone.
“We need to commit to changing the supply chain so that a single event in a faraway country does not put us in this predicament again," experts wrote in a new special report shared by Radiology.
The COVID lockdowns at the Shanghai plant began on March 31, and although the plant there has since resumed operations, they are not yet at 100% capacity.