Healthcare wage growth during COVID lagged behind other industries despite pandemic burden

Doctor wearing a COVID N95 mask in the hospital. #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Sarscov2

While employment levels of most healthcare sectors rebounded to pre-COVID levels in 2021, the researchers found there was a 13.6% decline in employment at skilled nursing facilities compared to 2019.

The average wages for U.S. healthcare workers rose less than wages in other industries during 2020 and the first six months of 2021, despite the healthcare workforce shouldering the heavy burden of fighting the pandemic.

Young patient recovering after world’s first combination heart transplant and thymus procedure

One-year-old Easton and his mom Kaitlyn. Easton was the first patient to undergo a combination heart transplant and allogeneic processed thymus tissue implantation in an effort to eliminate the need for long-term, immune-suppression, anti-rejection medications. Image courtesy of Duke University.

One-year-old Easton with family. Easton was the first patient to undergo a combination heart transplant and allogeneic processed thymus tissue implantation in an effort to eliminate the need for long-term, immune-suppression, anti-rejection medications. Image courtesy of Duke University.

“This has the potential to change the face of solid organ transplantation in the future,” one surgeon said.