Senators plotting Plan B on ACA replacement
While a Republican-only group of U.S. Senators is crafting a version of an Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal-and-replace plan, another group of lawmakers is working on a backup plan—one that involves Democrats having a hand in the legislation.
POLITICO reports that Senate Republicans are pursuing “back-channel” talks on a “bipartisan” bill, noting the long odds of passing a reworked version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) through the Senate and then getting the more conservative House to agree to the changes.
“I really want us to have a bipartisan bill. I just think will be so much better. And we have better ideas," said Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who is sponsoring a more moderate ACA replacement plan. "So that’s my goal. You end up with a better bill, [and] you end up with better acceptance by the public.”
Party leaders, however, aren’t seeking cooperation, with Republicans focused on threading the needle with a bill that can pass with only a vote or two to spare, and Democrats being urged to withhold cooperation until the legislation isn’t described as a “repeal” of the ACA.
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