54% of telehealth users prefer it to in-person visits
The popularity of telehealth continues to grow with 59 percent of patients reportedly increasing their usage, according to a recent survey from the Health Industry Distributors Association.
Telehealth has been able to bring physicians and patient closer, while proving itself a viable alternative to in-person visits. This survey aimed to showcase exactly how patients feel about telehealth and how users view their experiences.
Findings included:
- 53 percent of patient have learned about telehealth from their physicians, 28 percent from their insurance company and 15 percent learned about it themselves.
- 53 percent of patients would consider scheduling a telehealth visit, 29 percent would not and 18 percent already have.
- 54 percent of patient who have had a telehealth visits believe it was better than an in-person visit, 41 percent reported it as the same quality and 5 percent thought it was worse.
- Patients said it was more convenient and less expensive.
- 59 percent of telehealth users plan to increase their use in 2017, 38 percent will remain the same and 3 percent will decrease.