GenieMD takes first place in Blue Button Co-Design Challenge
As part of National Health IT Week, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT named GenieMD as the winner of its Blue Button Co-Design Challenge.
This Challenge tasked developers with building apps that implement and use Blue Button+ functionality. In the challenge, nearly 3,000 people participated in “crowdvoting” on an online platform to determine the patient problems they wanted developers to address.
The GenieMD app—developed by founder and CEO Soheil Saadat and available for download on iOS and Android devices—provides users with an array of patient services including symptom checking, finding providers and pharmacies and alerts for drug interactions.
The app also combines data from multiple providers through Blue Button+, including: patient-entered data; data from smart devices and content provided by Harvard Health Publications. Moreover, it offers social networking capabilities for blogging and sharing.
Humetrix took second place for its iBlueButton app, ICEBlueButton, which brings together medical condition, medication and allergy information to create an ICE (In Case of Emergency) record and a QR code that can be used by emergency personnel. The app is scheduled for release on iOS devices on Oct. 14.