Orbital pinpoints breast treatment
Orbital Therapy has introduced a Laser Alignment System for its ClearVue prone breast platform.
Treatment rooms have ceiling and wall lasers that are used for triangulation and patient set-up. When treating patients in the prone position, the ceiling laser can only be used to set-up the overall position of the patient, but not the actual breast. The patent-pending Laser Alignment System provides an additional point of reference that can be used to triangulate the breast undergoing treatment. This will increase accuracy and reproducibility, and allow for a quicker set-up, according to the Bedford, Mass.-based developer of breast cancer treatment products.
Treatment rooms have ceiling and wall lasers that are used for triangulation and patient set-up. When treating patients in the prone position, the ceiling laser can only be used to set-up the overall position of the patient, but not the actual breast. The patent-pending Laser Alignment System provides an additional point of reference that can be used to triangulate the breast undergoing treatment. This will increase accuracy and reproducibility, and allow for a quicker set-up, according to the Bedford, Mass.-based developer of breast cancer treatment products.