Care Delivery

This channel includes news on cardiovascular care delivery, including how patients are diagnosed and treated, cardiac care guidelines, policies or legislation impacting patient care, device recalls that may impact patient care, and cardiology practice management.

rural maternity care

Policy advisors: America’s ‘crisis in rural maternity care’ cries out for attention

Maternity care is in danger of vanishing from rural communities across the U.S., and two addressable if not reversible trends largely account for the peril. 

February 27, 2024

CMS rule proposed for 2025 offers big upsides for dually eligible individuals: Analysis

Patient advocates state the updated governance would not only integrate coverage for underserved populations but also clamp down on the “games” that Medicare Advantage plans have been known to “play” with Medicaid patients.

February 25, 2024
cancer screening colonoscopy

Data shows COVID precautions gave ‘screenable’ cancers an unwelcome opening

Many public health experts believe global pandemics will become more frequent in coming years. Given the advance warning, healthcare leaders should plan now to encourage screening compliance then.

February 24, 2024
medical debt

Americans carrying at least $220B in medical debts ranging from modest to crushing

Among the 20 million-plus Americans who have unpaid medical bills totaling more than $250, almost a quarter—5 million people—owe between $2,001 and $5,000.  

February 19, 2024
cybercriminal Penchukov

Notorious hospital cybervillain acknowledges guilt, heads to prison

An international cybercrime mastermind who compiled a long resumé of remote break-ins—including a hit that cost a major U.S. medical center $30 million—has pled guilty to two counts of conspiracy.

February 19, 2024
RN nursing workforce

Hospitals largely left out as nursing workforce fully recovers from COVID

At its height, the COVID-19 pandemic displaced more than 10,000 RNs from their jobs. Three years later, the workforce is back and growing strong. However ... 

February 19, 2024
hospitals navigating AI complexities survey

How are hospitals navigating AI’s complexities? Surveyors ask and tell

Only 16% of almost three dozen healthcare executives report having a policy for AI governance.

February 15, 2024
healthcare hospitals news

For silent waiting-room reading: Notable quotes about hospitals in the news

“People say safety regulations are written in blood. I don’t want to bleed.”  

February 15, 2024

Around the web

Cardiovascular Associates of America, backed by Webster Equity Partners, currently includes practices in eight different states. Its partner cardiologists now have preferred access to multiple cloud-based services provided by Athenahealth. 

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) supports an AMA policy that condemns the use AI to make prior authorization decisions rather than a doctor or clinician.

The past five years have been boom times for AI startups courting venture investors in healthcare, and the good times just keep rolling.

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