Care Delivery

This channel includes news on cardiovascular care delivery, including how patients are diagnosed and treated, cardiac care guidelines, policies or legislation impacting patient care, device recalls that may impact patient care, and cardiology practice management.

Telehealth patient. Telecardiology saw a major boost with during the COVID and many health systems now want to keep this care delivery tool post-pandemic.

Telecardiology during the COVID-19 pandemic showed cardiologists another way to treat patients

Telecardiology saw a major boost during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many health systems now want to keep it as a permanent treatment option. 

March 17, 2022
A CT image from the Heart Institute in Kyiv, Ukraine, showing a Russian bullet in a civilian patient's upper lung lobe. The patient was being treated at the cardiology hospital after he tried to drive his family out of the area of the front lines and was shot at by Russian soldiers. He is being treated by cardiac surgeon Igor Mokryk MD. Photo by Igor Mokryk.

Heart hospital in Ukraine treating wounded civilians

Cardiothoracic surgeon Igor Mokryk, MD, spent last week taking his family to the Polish border. This week, he treated his first gunshot wound patient at the Heart Institute in Kyiv.

March 16, 2022
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can help patients with severe COVID-19 make a successful recovery. Venovenous ECMO (VV-ECMO) has the potential to minimize lung damage compared to conventional mechanical ventilation. ECMO unit in service with the COVID care unit at Banner Medical Center in Phoenix.

‘We learned that lung recovery was actually possible’: ECMO’s impact on COVID-19 patients in the ICU

The study's authors emphasized the importance of careful patient selection. 

March 15, 2022
home rehab

Healthcare groups urge Congress to extend hospital-at-home waivers

Dozens of healthcare groups have banded together to ask Congress to extend waivers for hospital care at home that were granted during the COVID-19 pandemic.


March 14, 2022
Stacey Wolfson, MD, chief resident, and Beatriu Reig, MD, MPH, clinical assistant professor of radiology, Department of Radiology, NYU Grossman School of Medicine, explain the findings of a study they were the lead authors on published in Radiology. Their study looked at 1,200 women who were vaccinated and received breast imaging exams, and they found several cancers, so their conclusion is not to wait for breast imaging after receiving a COVID vaccine or booster.

VIDEO: Should women wait to get mammograms after COVID vaccination?

In an exclusive video, Stacey Wolfson, MD, and Beatriu Reig, MD, MPH, from the NYU Grossman School of Medicine, discuss the findings of their new analysis. 

March 14, 2022
A patient has a telehealth visit with their doctor remotely in their home via video conferencing. The COVID-19 cause massive movement to telehealth since 2020.

Telehealth provided value for heart failure patients during COVID-19 pandemic

Overall, researchers found, 30-day readmission was less common when heart failure patients used telehealth to check in with a physician after discharge. 

March 14, 2022
Examples of two lung cancers that were caught using low dose CT lung screening. Image from RSNA

Q&A: What updated reimbursement policies could mean for CT lung screening rates in the United States

The ACR said a recent reimbursement rule change for low-dose computed tomography (CT) lung screen scans will help open up screening to more patients. 

March 11, 2022
One-year-old Easton and his mom Kaitlyn. Easton was the first patient to undergo a combination heart transplant and allogeneic processed thymus tissue implantation in an effort to eliminate the need for long-term, immune-suppression, anti-rejection medications. Image courtesy of Duke University.

Young patient recovering after world’s first combination heart transplant and thymus procedure

“This has the potential to change the face of solid organ transplantation in the future,” one surgeon said. 

March 10, 2022

Around the web

The past five years have been boom times for AI startups courting venture investors in healthcare, and the good times just keep rolling.

The Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act has been considered by Congress multiple times, getting closer than ever in 2023. Will 2024 be the year it finally lands on the president's desk?

Healthcare's ongoing shift toward value-based care is a good thing, Joynt Maddox explained, but its implementation has been far from ideal. She also discussed population health, the pandemic, health disparities and the rising influence of private equity investments.

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