Care Delivery

This channel includes news on cardiovascular care delivery, including how patients are diagnosed and treated, cardiac care guidelines, policies or legislation impacting patient care, device recalls that may impact patient care, and cardiology practice management.

Telehealth can provide significant value when it comes to managing and monitoring patients with CVD or suspected CVD. A new scientific statement from the American Heart Association explores the latest details on this evolving treatment option. 

Healthcare entities offering employees direct-to-consumer telemedicine could cut costs nearly 25%

“This research shows the clear financial benefits when hospitals and health systems offer telemedicine services directly to their own employees."

June 9, 2023
physician money payments dollars

Incorrect place-of-service codes resulted in Medicare overpayments totaling in the millions

The audit revealed that Medicare overpaid by approximately $22.5 million due to incorrect place-of-service coding completed by practitioners.  

June 6, 2023
Medicare money payment

Nearing a ‘breaking point’: Cardiologists support legislation designed to mitigate Medicare cuts to office-based services

These latest cuts could be a "breaking point" for physicians, according to a new letter to lawmakers. 

June 2, 2023
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF), a related organization of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA), this week released a statement on the criminalization of medical errors. The APSF said criminal prosecution is unjust and counterproductive is healthcare organizations want to find ways to mitigate errors by understanding how they happen and create protocols or IT systems can can help prevent future errors. The criminal trial of nurse RaDonda Vaught was counterproductive to safety.

Cardiology groups issue statement on bullying, harassment and discrimination within the specialty

Bullying and other inappropriate workplace behaviors have been linked to an increased risk of errors and worse patient outcomes. 

May 31, 2023
Mayo Clinic surgery worker

Unhappy surgery workers call Mayo Clinic leadership to task

Around 275 union and nonunion employees are petitioning the CEO and their department chair over what they’re calling unsafe working conditions.

May 26, 2023
A patient has a telehealth visit with their doctor remotely in their home via video conferencing. The COVID-19 cause massive movement to telehealth since 2020.

A 'moving target': PCPs call out inconsistent regulations in the rollout of telehealth

These regulations varied between states and insurance plans, and they affected reimbursement as well.

May 23, 2023
patient acceptance of medical AI is rising

Is crafty ‘Dr. AI’ already siphoning mindshare from actual doctors?

Patients can be persuaded to place almost as much confidence in diagnostic AI as they have in primary care physicians.

May 23, 2023

How age, gender and medical specialty affect a physician's risk of being sued

New data from the American Medical Association reveal that nearly one-third of physicians in the United States have been sued during their medical career. 

May 16, 2023

Around the web

Cardiovascular Associates of America, backed by Webster Equity Partners, currently includes practices in eight different states. Its partner cardiologists now have preferred access to multiple cloud-based services provided by Athenahealth. 

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) supports an AMA policy that condemns the use AI to make prior authorization decisions rather than a doctor or clinician.

The past five years have been boom times for AI startups courting venture investors in healthcare, and the good times just keep rolling.

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