Care Delivery

This channel includes news on cardiovascular care delivery, including how patients are diagnosed and treated, cardiac care guidelines, policies or legislation impacting patient care, device recalls that may impact patient care, and cardiology practice management.


Epic and Microsoft join forces to tackle some of healthcare’s biggest AI challenges

The two companies continue to expand their partnership, this time looking to deploy generative AI to improve care delivery.

August 24, 2023
Doctor patient with masks

Should masks still be required at hospitals? Physicians push for a nuanced approach in face of uncertainty

A team of physicians examined the question of continued masking, urging healthcare leaders to work together in a new commentary in Annals of Internal Medicine.

August 24, 2023
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a new draft guidance designed to help applicants add clinically relevant information about QTc interval prolongation to the labeling of non-antiarrhythmic drugs

‘Gray market’ vendors hike up prices during drug shortages, leaving hospitals in a bind

Hospital executives find themselves in a challenging position—pay big bucks for hard-to-find medications or risk letting their patients down. 

August 18, 2023
artificial intelligence consultation

GPT-4, a new upgrade from the team behind ChatGPT, can help doctors with difficult diagnoses

The new and improved AI-based language model outperformed human clinicians in a new study published in JAMA Network Open.

August 18, 2023

Biden administration invests $100M in strengthening nursing workforce

The funding is a response to the escalating demand for registered nurses, nurse practitioners, certified nurse midwives and nurse faculty throughout the United States. 

August 15, 2023
quotes on artificial intelligence in healthcare

Overheard this week: Notable quotes on healthcare AI

“Until there is a global consensus on how this is regulated, Asian countries—where data privacy is less of a focus—could see a clear contrast with the West in how AI is used.”

August 11, 2023
commercial health insurance

AHA head: ‘Time to hold commercial health insurers accountable’

The problem of commercial health insurers standing between patients and providers is bad and only getting worse.

August 10, 2023
Hospital financial trouble

AHA urges hospital stakeholders to wake up and smell the financial trouble that’s been brewing

The American Hospital Association is sounding the alarm over evidently widespread acceptance of 0% operating margins—or even negative margins—as a sort of “new normal” for U.S. hospitals and health systems.  

August 3, 2023

Around the web

Cardiovascular Associates of America, backed by Webster Equity Partners, currently includes practices in eight different states. Its partner cardiologists now have preferred access to multiple cloud-based services provided by Athenahealth. 

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) supports an AMA policy that condemns the use AI to make prior authorization decisions rather than a doctor or clinician.

The past five years have been boom times for AI startups courting venture investors in healthcare, and the good times just keep rolling.

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