Care Delivery

This channel includes news on cardiovascular care delivery, including how patients are diagnosed and treated, cardiac care guidelines, policies or legislation impacting patient care, device recalls that may impact patient care, and cardiology practice management.

labor-demic hospitals staffing shortage

Credit forecast: Hospitals will recover only slowly from lingering ‘labor-demic’

In its annual outlook report released this week, Fitch Ratings says the coming calendar year will probably strike much of the sector as “another make or break” period.

December 7, 2023
ethical healthcare artificial intelligence

Ethical healthcare AI in 8 mnemonic elements

Artificial intelligence researchers are making a “great plea” to guide the ethical development and use of generative AI in medicine.

December 6, 2023
women doctors

Cardiologists, other physicians say the shift from private practice to corporate ownership is bad for patients

How do changes in ownership impact patient care? That was one of the many topics explored in a new survey of U.S. physicians.

December 5, 2023
hospital understaffing

Hospital understaffing complaints dog big Northeastern state

Healthcare regulators in the country’s fourth most populous state are getting barraged with complaints about hospital understaffing.

December 5, 2023
Continuous Quality Improvement

How to tap QMS methodologies for speeding AI adoptions

It may hold that applying established people/process/technology principles can help hospitals move AI from experimental research settings to regulated clinical practice.

November 30, 2023
life expectancy

US life expectancy rising from COVID downturn

The COVID-19 pandemic shaved 2.4 years off U.S. life expectancy, and the population has yet to fully recover from the setback. 

November 30, 2023
Take Care of Maya johns hopkins attorneys seek retrial

Hopkins lawyers seeking new trial in ‘Maya’ case

Claiming possible juror misconduct, attorneys for Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in Florida have filed a motion for retrial.

November 28, 2023
healthcare hiring nurses workers

Healthcare hiring may save the US economy

If the country avoids slipping into an economic recession over the next few months or even years, it could have the healthcare job market to thank.

November 27, 2023

Around the web

The past five years have been boom times for AI startups courting venture investors in healthcare, and the good times just keep rolling.

The Improving Seniors’ Timely Access to Care Act has been considered by Congress multiple times, getting closer than ever in 2023. Will 2024 be the year it finally lands on the president's desk?

Healthcare's ongoing shift toward value-based care is a good thing, Joynt Maddox explained, but its implementation has been far from ideal. She also discussed population health, the pandemic, health disparities and the rising influence of private equity investments.

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