Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 


Star ratings really do reflect quality of care in Medicare Advantage

Higher star ratings may be associated with better patient outcomes in Medicare Advantage plans, according to a study published in Health Affairs.


Price transparency rattling hospitals to varying degrees, effects

A month and a half after hospitals were mandated to show their prices for shoppable services, anecdotal evidence shows some may be deeming the penalty of up to $300 per day insufficiently incentivizing.


6 steps major new coalition will pursue to grow Obamacare, reach for universal healthcare

A new alliance of powerful associations representing providers, payers, hospitals and employers has formed to push U.S. healthcare toward universal coverage.


US drug prices soar above international averages

Drug prices in the U.S. are significantly higher than those in peer countries, according to new research from RAND. In fact, compared with 32 other countries combined, drug prices in the U.S. are 256% higher.


Biden to undo Trump-era healthcare policies

The Biden-Harris administration is planning to sign two executive orders to provide healthcare relief for those needing insurance during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as undo some Trump administration policies that undermined the Affordable Care Act.

More evidence hospitals grudgingly complying on price transparency for ‘shoppable services’

Another quick field check has found the federal rule requiring hospitals to show their prices for shoppable services meeting with only spotty compliance since it went into effect Jan. 1.


Large health system paying record $7.75M for carelessness with pain pills

Fifteen-hospital McLaren Health Care has agreed to pay $7.75 million for illegally distributing prescription painkillers. 

NYC hospitals dragging feet on price transparency

If the hospitals of America’s most populous city are any sort of bellwether, CMS is going to have its hands full trying to enforce compliance with the Trump Administration’s executive order on price transparency.

Around the web

If passed, this bill would help clinician-led clinical registries explore Medicare data for research purposes. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and American College of Cardiology both shared public support for the bipartisan legislation. 

Cardiologists and other physicians may soon need to provide much more information when ordering remote patient monitoring for Medicare patients.

Why are so many cardiovascular devices involved in Class I recalls? One possible reason could be the large number of devices hitting the market without undergoing much premarket clinical testing. 

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