Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 

CMS looks to adapt ACO benchmarks to regional realities

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is proposing changes in the benchmarks it uses to evaluate ACOs in the Medicare Shared Savings Program.

January 29, 2016

California hospital pays more than $3.2 million to settle allegations

A hospital in Oceanside, Calif., agreed to pay more than $3.2 million to settle claims it violated laws and Medicare’s prohibition on having an illegal financial relationship with referring physicians.

January 21, 2016

Government Accountability Office finds flaws in FDA's methods

According to a new 42-page report published by investigators from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), there are significant flaws in the way the FDA tracks drugs after they come to market. 

January 19, 2016

Supreme Court won't hear Medtronic case

Caplinger v. Medtronic Inc., the lawsuit in which a patient accused Medtronic of allowing doctors to use its INFUSE Bone Graft product in ways not approved by the FDA, made it all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, but the Court announced it has declined to hear the case. 

January 14, 2016

Nonprofit hospitals under the taxman’s magnifying glass

Nonprofit hospitals getting challenged on their tax-exempt status have been much in the news of late.  

January 12, 2016

Slavitt shares CMS implementation goals for 2016

Successfully achieving change in healthcare is 90 percent about implementation, said Andy Slavitt, acting director of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, speaking at the 34th Annual J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco.

January 12, 2016

Obama vetoes ACA repeal bill, but Republicans claim a victory of sorts

President Obama has fended off Congressional Republicans’ latest stab at rolling back the Affordable Care Act, but this time GOP legislators says things are different: They succeeded for the first time in getting a repeal bill onto the President’s desk.

January 11, 2016

Journos chronicle disregard for privacy, intimidation of whistleblowers at the VA

From long waits to manipulated medical records to preventable deaths, the Department of Veterans Affairs has had more than its share of problems over the past few years. That’s no secret. 

January 8, 2016

Around the web

Cardiovascular Associates of America, backed by Webster Equity Partners, currently includes practices in eight different states. Its partner cardiologists now have preferred access to multiple cloud-based services provided by Athenahealth. 

The American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) supports an AMA policy that condemns the use AI to make prior authorization decisions rather than a doctor or clinician.

The past five years have been boom times for AI startups courting venture investors in healthcare, and the good times just keep rolling.

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