Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 

Study claims high drug prices lead to more long-term savings

A study released by Frank R. Lichtenberg of the Montreal Economic Institute said while the price of prescription drugs remains high, the implementation of medical innovation leads to more savings in the long run.

How HHS plans to attract more young adults to exchanges in 2017

One way to improve the risk pool on the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces is to get more young adults to purchase coverage on the exchanges, so HHS has laid out some of its strategies to court younger people who haven’t enrolled in prior years.


House Republicans release latest ACA replacement plan

Repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a cap on Medicaid funding, medical liability reform and loosening restrictions on insurers denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions are among the features of the new House Republican health care plan.

Drug companies unhappy with Supreme Court decision on patent law challenges

The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld changes to patent law made by Congress in 2011 that can make it easier for generic drug manufacturers to invalidate patents.

142 in Congress want end to FDA ban on gay men donating blood

24 senators and 118 representatives—six of them Republicans—signed letters addressed to the Food and Drug Administration asking for decades-old restrictions on gay men donating blood to be lifted.

Zika vaccine goes to trial, but governmental and medical challenges abound

The effort to contain the Zika virus in North America could see a much-needed boost in the near future. Human-based vaccine trials could start within weeks, the drug’s developer announced. 

White House to Congress: Include funding provisions in opioid bills

The White House wants to make sure Congress’ bills to curb opioid use in the U.S. include plans for funding. President Obama has said he wants to see up to $1.1 billion offered for opioid addiction treatment and management of the crisis.

CMS proposes changes to Medicaid eligibility error rate programs

In order to implement parts of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), CMS has proposed a new rule to adjust programs for payment errors and eligibility quality control under Medicaid and CHIP.

Around the web

If passed, this bill would help clinician-led clinical registries explore Medicare data for research purposes. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and American College of Cardiology both shared public support for the bipartisan legislation. 

Cardiologists and other physicians may soon need to provide much more information when ordering remote patient monitoring for Medicare patients.

Why are so many cardiovascular devices involved in Class I recalls? One possible reason could be the large number of devices hitting the market without undergoing much premarket clinical testing. 

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