Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 


AMA 2017: Medicaid changes in AHCA could limit healthcare delivery innovation

The American Medical Association (AMA) doesn’t think highly of how the Senate may change Medicaid funding and coverage through repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA), judging by a presentation from the AMA’s annual meeting in Chicago.

HHS Secretary contradicts Trump’s budget chief on cuts to Medicaid

HHS Secretary Tom Price, MD, testified before the Senate Finance Committee on June 8, defending the agency’s proposed budget with a 16 percent reduction across the agency. In doing so, he appears to be telling a different story than Office of Management and Budget Director Mike Mulvaney when it comes to cuts to Medicaid.

House Republicans: Community rating waivers need to remain in Senate’s ACA replacement

Conservatives in the House who had voted for the American Health Care Act (AHCA) in May are already displeased about rumored changes to the bill being considered by Senate Republicans.

June vote on AHCA possible, but bill could be destined to fail

Republican leaders in the Senate are aiming for a vote on their version of an Affordable Care Act replacement by the end of June, with the goal of ending the healthcare debate so it doesn’t get in the way of the rest of the party’s legislative agenda.

‘Medicaid for all’ bill heads to Nevada governor

State legislators in Nevada have passed a bill which would allow residents to buy into the state’s Medicaid program, offering a new public health insurance option.


Q&A: Duke's Daniel on the challenges of moving pharma, device companies toward value-based payment

Finding a practical path for pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers to enter value-based payment arrangements is the goal of a new policy consortium formed at the Robert J. Margolis, MD, Center for Health Policy at Duke University.

Succeeding in an ICD-10 World

In the ICD-9 era, there were universally accepted benchmarks to measure coding professionals’ productivity. Now, more than 18 months after the ICD-10 implementation date, the challenge is to do the same for the new coding system.

CMS chief: ‘Individual market was working much better’ prior to ACA

CMS Administrator Seema Verma said the blame for rising premiums and fewer insurers in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchanges fall on the prior administration, not the current one, while offering a mixed message on the American Health Care Act (AHCA), the ACA replacement that passed the House earlier in May.

Around the web

If passed, this bill would help clinician-led clinical registries explore Medicare data for research purposes. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and American College of Cardiology both shared public support for the bipartisan legislation. 

Cardiologists and other physicians may soon need to provide much more information when ordering remote patient monitoring for Medicare patients.

Why are so many cardiovascular devices involved in Class I recalls? One possible reason could be the large number of devices hitting the market without undergoing much premarket clinical testing. 

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