Policy & Regulations

This channel includes news coverage of healthcare policy and regulations set by Congress, the states, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and medical associations and societies. 


FTC approves Advocate-Aurora merger

The proposed merger between Downers Grove, Illinois-based Advocate Health Care and Milwaukee’s Aurora Health Care now has the blessing of the Federal Trade Commission and regulators in Illinois, leaving regulatory approval in Wisconsin as the final hurdle for creating the 10th largest nonprofit health system in the U.S.


AHA to CMS: Delay application deadline for new bundled payment model

Providers have until March 12 to apply for CMS’s new Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI) Advanced model, though the program was only unveiled on Jan. 9. Considering the details CMS has given about the model, that’s not enough time for hospitals to decide whether to participate, according to the American Hospital Association (AHA).


Health spending growth will accelerate through 2026

The growth in health expenditures nationwide is expected to average 5.5 percent annually through 2026, with the aging population driving more rapid annual growth in Medicare.


HHS Secretary defends cuts to department in budget proposal

In his first congressional testimony since being confirmed as HHS Secretary, Alex Azar argued the department’s proposed budget would extend the life of Medicare while making HHS more efficient by cutting nearly $18 billion in funding.


ER expenditures for privately insured increased faster than Medicare, Medicaid

Between 1996 and 2015, the number of emergency department (ED) visits per individual paid for by Medicare increased at a greater rate than those paid for by private insurance or Medicaid. The annual increases in per-visit expenditures, however, were greater for private insurance than either of the federal programs.


‘Enough is enough': Hospitals bash new Medicare changes proposed in Trump’s budget

The budget proposed by President Donald Trump involves several major cuts to Medicare payments for hospitals, reductions that are “unsustainable” and “staggering,” according to the Federation of American Hospitals (FAH) and the American Hospital Association (AHA).

Hospital price growth hit 4-year high in Dec. 2017

An era of low inflation in healthcare prices may be winding down, judging by the results of Altarum’s latest health sector economic indicator reports, which said hospital prices grew by 2.2 percent in December 2017, the fastest growth rate in four years.

Trump budget would cut $675B in healthcare spending by 2028

The fiscal year 2019 budget proposal from President Donald Trump’s administration would cut nearly $18 billion in funding to HHS, while relying on repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and turning Medicaid into a state-administered block grant program to reduce healthcare spending by the federal government by $675 billion by 2028.

Around the web

If passed, this bill would help clinician-led clinical registries explore Medicare data for research purposes. The Society of Thoracic Surgeons and American College of Cardiology both shared public support for the bipartisan legislation. 

Cardiologists and other physicians may soon need to provide much more information when ordering remote patient monitoring for Medicare patients.

Why are so many cardiovascular devices involved in Class I recalls? One possible reason could be the large number of devices hitting the market without undergoing much premarket clinical testing. 

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