Former HHS Secretary Tom Price joins Georgia governor-elect’s transition team

Tom Price, the former HHS secretary who left the job last year after his controversial use of private jets for official travel, has joined the transition team of Republican Georgia Governor-elect Brian Kemp, The Hill reported.

Price was accused of misusing hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars as a result of his travel habits.

According to Kemp, Price will help with policy planning.

“Obviously he's got a lot of great experience with health care,” Kemp told The Hill. “No one is more experienced with legislative matters than Tom Price and certainly his time in D.C. as well, so he's a valuable member of our team, but we're going to continue to work with a lot of different people on healthcare.”

See the full story below:

Amy Baxter

Amy joined TriMed Media as a Senior Writer for HealthExec after covering home care for three years. When not writing about all things healthcare, she fulfills her lifelong dream of becoming a pirate by sailing in regattas and enjoying rum. Fun fact: she sailed 333 miles across Lake Michigan in the Chicago Yacht Club "Race to Mackinac."

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