Mostashari speaks his mind on compliance, EHR, government shortcomings

Farzad Mostashari, MD, MSc, might know a thing or two about the relationship between government regulators and those whom they overlook.

The former National Coordinator for Health Information Technology at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services spoke to Politico’s “Pulse Check” podcast, where he pointed out some problems with regulation in healthcare.

“The power of regulations is the fact that we went from 9 percent of hospitals having electronic health records to 95 percent of hospitals," Mostashari said. But the program too often became about the "shortest distance to compliance," he said.

For the complete interview, visit the link below:

Nicholas Leider, Managing Editor

Nicholas joined TriMed in 2016 as the managing editor of the Chicago office. After receiving his master’s from Roosevelt University, he worked in various writing/editing roles for magazines ranging in topic from billiards to metallurgy. Currently on Chicago’s north side, Nicholas keeps busy by running, reading and talking to his two cats.

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