McKesson lands three new contracts for Practice Partner
Three physician practices have joined the ranks of users deploying McKesson’s Practice Partner EHR and practice management applications.
According to the San Francisco-based McKesson, these practices include:
According to the San Francisco-based McKesson, these practices include:
- Consultants in Gastroenterology in Providence, R.I.: The practice chose the practice management application for Bright Note Technology, which populates data on a patient chart, enabling physicians and other providers to use their preferred charting style to capture data in a single screen note and synchronize searchable data across the chart.
- Virginia Nephrology Group of Fairfax, Va.: This multi-location group in northern Virginia contracted a complete suite including EHRs, billing and scheduling software.
- Paradigm Medical Group in Colorado Springs, Colo.: The group has purchased McKesson’s Practice Partner Patient Records EHR and Appointment Scheduler to integrate with its existing practice management system.