Emergency Medicine EHR Helps Drive Enterprise Meaningful Use Readiness: 02.21, 11am-12pm
Though their meaningful use attesting schedules differ, two large hospital networks leverage the emergency EHR to integrate with inpatient systems as an easier strategy to drive compliance and data integration.
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 11:00am-12:00pm
Speaker Information:
Roger L. Neal, MS, vice president of IT & CIO, Duncan Regional Hospital
Barbara Dimercurio, RN, MBA. director of trauma and emergency services, University of Louisville Hospital in Louisville, Ky.
Tuesday, Feb. 21, 11:00am-12:00pm
Speaker Information:
Roger L. Neal, MS, vice president of IT & CIO, Duncan Regional Hospital
Barbara Dimercurio, RN, MBA. director of trauma and emergency services, University of Louisville Hospital in Louisville, Ky.
- Discuss the rationale behind two hospitals choosing different attesting schedules for meaningful use, yet making the emergency department information system (EDIS) EHR a core component of their enterprise integration strategy to achieve compliance
- Identify successful hospital information system and EDIS-integrated functions critical to creating an efficient data exchange, provider-to-provider communications, hospital-physician alignment, higher quality of care and other goals to achieve meaningful use.
- Describe implementation strategies in which an EDIS provides significant leverage to show meaningful use in areas of CPOE, medication reconciliation, lab reporting, quality reporting, discharge instructions, patient education and clinical summaries
- Recognize why an automated emergency department is the hospital's preferred launching point for real-time data collection, system integration and patient engagement in healthcare