Va. medical society launches HIE
The Medical Society of Northern Virginia (MSNVA) has launched a physician-led health information exchange (HIE).
The HIE, called HeaLixVA, aims to provide a cost-effective infrastructure for the exchange of electronic medical information.
HeaLixVA will be supported by MSNVA experts who will deliver technical assistance to subscribers and provide physicians with security and educational support , according to the society. “This technology will help physicians find efficiencies and cost saving measures that will reduce escalating overhead costs of running a practice, manage their patients' clinical data, drive the use of evidence-based medicine, while delivering high quality and cost effective medical care,” according to the HeaLixVA website.
Functionalities of HeaLixVA include a community master person index and de-identification services; clinical reporting that aggregates and stages data for clinical use and rapid retrieval and display; EMR/EHR interfacing; a patient portal; privacy and security services; an audit repository; a provider directory, an authorization store that allows the governance of HeaLixVA to set standards; patient consent management; and referral messaging.
More information on the subscriber service is here.