Healthcare trails other industries in cybersecurity

The healthcare industry continues to struggle in ensuring patient information is protected and, according to a recent 2018 Security Scorecard report, ranks 15th out of 18 industries in terms of cybersecurity.

Following major cyberattacks like WannaCry, the healthcare industry still remains one of the most vulnerable industries when it comes to protecting data. The value of patient health information tops $100 on the Dark Web, making it some of the most profitable data to steal. High selling prices paired with inadequate cybersecurity measures make the healthcare industry easy prey for malware and ransomware attacks.

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Cara Livernois, News Writer

Cara joined TriMed Media in 2016 and is currently a Senior Writer for Clinical Innovation & Technology. Originating from Detroit, Michigan, she holds a Bachelors in Health Communications from Grand Valley State University.

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