FDA annual clinical investigator course promotes safety, accuracy
The U.S. Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) has announced the seventh annual Clinical Investigator Training Course, in partnership with the University of Maryland's Center of Excellence in Regulatory Science and Innovation, will be held Nov. 7-9 for healthcare professionals around the world.
The course shows the FDA involvement prior to the application stage of drug trials. The course aims to train scientists who are involved in clinical trials for drug development to meet regulations set by the FDA.
Physicians, nurses and pharmacists who are in charge of clinical drug trials will receive training from FDA experts as well as guest speakers on the ethical and regulator side of clinical trials. Safety of participants in clinical trials and accurate data to support decisions are the primary goals of every researcher, and the FDA is offering the training course to ensure such trials are conducted efficiently. The course hopes to increase the rats of competence and knowledge of clinical researchers, increase patient safety an improve the quality of trials being conducted.