Hospital group touts CONNECT for Health Act
With the potential of providing access to quality care at a lower cost, telehealth is gaining another player in its court with the new bipartisan bill. According to a blog post from the Federation of American Hospitals, the CONNECT for Health Act is one method to expand the use of telehealth and remote patient monitoring with Medicare patients.
This bipartisan, bicameral bill is designed to expand the use of technology and remote patient monitoring in the Medicare program. The CONNECT for Health Act is one of the first major pieces of legislation that would thoughtfully expand the use of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring services in the Medicare program, which is essential to the expansion of services provided in hospitals. - See more at: bipartisan, bicameral bill is designed to expand the use of technology and remote patient monitoring in the Medicare program. The CONNECT for Health Act is one of the first major pieces of legislation that would thoughtfully expand the use of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring services in the Medicare program, which is essential to the expansion of services provided in hospitals. - See more at: bipartisan, bicameral bill is designed to expand the use of technology and remote patient monitoring in the Medicare program. The CONNECT for Health Act is one of the first major pieces of legislation that would thoughtfully expand the use of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring services in the Medicare program, which is essential to the expansion of services provided in hospitals. - See more at: bill is designed to expand the use of technology and remote patient monitoring in the Medicare program. The CONNECT for Health Act is one piece of legislation that would expand the use of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring services in the Medicare program, which is essential to the expansion of services provided in hospitals
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