Editor's top 10 picks from 2012
Looking back on 2012 brings so many topics, fascinating speakers and amazing innovations to mind. Meaningful Use powered along with the publication of both the final rule for Stage 2 and the proposed rule for Stage 3. The government slowed the transition to ICD-10, granting providers a 12-month reprieve. EHR adoption increased and the federal government paid out millions in incentive payments. Data breaches came fast and furious even as we learned time and again how poorly healthcare facilities are doing with their privacy and security efforts.
We learned a lot about the importance of patient engagement as well as lots of opinions on how to better activate them in their own healthcare. "E-patient" Richard Davies (Dave) deBronkart, Jr., discussed the growing culture change of participatory medicine at the Medicine 2.0 Congress and amazed me with his passion.
Mobile health continued to grow by leaps and bounds in 2012, as well as the associated privacy and security risks. More and more healthcare apps are available (and FDA approved) and experts expect that market to grow exponentially in coming years.
Health information exchange, interoperability and usability of health IT systems were on providers’ radar this year. John D. Halamka, MD, CIO for Partners HealthCare in Boston, just predicted a new era of interoperability. Others said that interoperability will foster increased healthcare innovation.
The following are my top 10 picks from 2012. Do you have favorite topics or articles from the past 12 months? Please share your thoughts. And happy holidays to all. We look forward to providing the latest news related to clinical innovation and technology in 2013.
Beth Walsh, editor
Clinical Innovation + Technology
CMIO 2012 Compensation Survey: Small Salary Shifts and Less SatisfactionLow-tech Efforts to Reduce Hospital ReadmissionsBuckle Down On Bring Your Own DeviceMostashari: 'This time is different'First look at Stage 3HHS officially delays ICD-10 to 2014Patient Engagement Gets GoingConnected Health: Blumenthal provides path for nationwide health info networkConnected Health: Reform offers great opportunity for innovationSurvey: 94% of providers had data breach in past two years