HIMSS: Attestationready or not?
ORLANDO, Fla.-- Attendees were treated to a sneak peek at the meaningful use attestation process Feb. 22 during the 2011 HIMSS annual conference. Elizabeth S. Holland, director, HIT Initiatives Group, provided an overview of the process, beginning with a refresher of the eligible provider online registration process and a reminder to use www.cms.gov as a meaningful use (MU) resource. Recent additions to the federal MU trove include a listserv that compiles frequently asked questions and attestation materials updates.
Next, Holland walked users through attestation screens, noting that the first pages are similar to registration screens and walk providers through core and menu set measures and clinical quality measures. Screens are structured in a questionnaire format with questions that relate to objectives and measures. “Read, don’t skim, each screen,” urged Holland, who reminded the audience that providers who do not answer questions correctly may fail to demonstrate eligibility for incentives.
Attestation questions are presented in both a yes/no and numerator/denominator format. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is developing a practice tool that allows providers to input and test data to determine whether or not they successfully meet criteria, Holland said. At this point, however, providers who want an answer need to calculate and assess the data themselves to determine if their volume meets the various MU thresholds.
After a provider submits responses to all questions, he receives a response indicating a successful submission or which criteria have been accepted and rejected with required percentages.
Providers who successfully demonstrate meaningful use are put in line for payments, which are expected to take four to eight weeks, confided Holland. However, providers who have not yet submitted $24,000 in Medicare claims will need to wait until they have submitted the base amount.
Next, Holland walked users through attestation screens, noting that the first pages are similar to registration screens and walk providers through core and menu set measures and clinical quality measures. Screens are structured in a questionnaire format with questions that relate to objectives and measures. “Read, don’t skim, each screen,” urged Holland, who reminded the audience that providers who do not answer questions correctly may fail to demonstrate eligibility for incentives.
Attestation questions are presented in both a yes/no and numerator/denominator format. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is developing a practice tool that allows providers to input and test data to determine whether or not they successfully meet criteria, Holland said. At this point, however, providers who want an answer need to calculate and assess the data themselves to determine if their volume meets the various MU thresholds.
After a provider submits responses to all questions, he receives a response indicating a successful submission or which criteria have been accepted and rejected with required percentages.
Providers who successfully demonstrate meaningful use are put in line for payments, which are expected to take four to eight weeks, confided Holland. However, providers who have not yet submitted $24,000 in Medicare claims will need to wait until they have submitted the base amount.