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best and worst states for healthcare

The Northeast is home to seven of the best states for healthcare. The South is that picture’s reverse image, hosting seven of the worst.

infant mortality

In calendar year 2022, annual infant mortality alarmingly rose in four states while receding to a reassuring degree in just one.

profits revenue finance money

Syntellis Performance Solutions released a new report that shows hospitals in the U.S. have been profitable for the last seven months.

executive order on artificial intelligence

In the Biden administration’s latest push to encourage beneficial AI innovation while discouraging hazardous AI risk-taking, the president on Monday announced an executive order fleshing out that coupled call.

Around the web

A string of executive orders from the White House created serious concerns among radiologists and other healthcare providers throughout the United States. The American College of Radiology issued a statement to help guide its members through the chaos. 

Bridgefield Capital, founded in 2015, has previously invested in such popular brands as Cirque Du Soleil, Del Monte and Quiksilver. This transaction is expected to be completed in the second half of 2025. 

Given the precarious excitement of the moment—or is it exciting precarity?—policymakers and healthcare leaders must set directives guiding not only what to do with AI but also when to do it.