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Systole Health is focused on providing personalized healthcare to women with heart disease. “As a cardiologist, I have witnessed firsthand the struggles women face in managing their heart health," the company's co-founder said.

Resident Fellow Training with AI

Generative AI has a bright future in medical education. That goes not only for medical schools but also for postgraduate settings in which residents and fellows do most of their learning while also caring for patients.

cleveland clinic settles for failing to disclose research funding

The cyberattack on University of Missouri Health Care’s systems happened in 2020 and affected 190,000 patients.


The White House denies that payment systems were impacted and has not given a reason for the outage. The issue only came to light due to various posts on social media from lawmakers. 

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No devices need to be returned at this time. However, the FDA warned, using these heart pumps without reviewing the updated instructions could result in "serious injury or death.” 

The FDA recently cleared the company's cable-free, credit card-sized heart monitor that produces 12-lead ECGs.

If 25% tariffs go into effect, it could have a big impact on the cost of medical imaging and radiotherapy systems, with many manufacturing facilities in Mexico.