College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME)

The College of Healthcare Information Management Executives is a professional organization for chief information officers and other senior healthcare information technology (IT) leaders. Find more related content on health informatics or PACS and enterprise imaging informatics.

CHIME co-founder Correll to retire

Co-founder and former president and CEO of the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) Richard A. Correll will retire on June 30, after 23 years.

June 22, 2015

CHIME, iHT2 Announce Regional LEAD Program for 2015

Showcasing a mix of distinguished panel discussions, case studies and small group breakout sessions, the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME) is pleased to announce its Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Forum series in collaboration with iHT2 for 2015. 

February 12, 2015

Around the web

The recall includes specific lots of five different medical devices used to treat stroke and other neurovascular diseases.

The agency is urging healthcare providers to transition away from these devices and seek out alternatives. It is even working with other manufacturers to try and get similar products on the market as quickly as possible. 

Jeffrey Kuvin, MD, one of the leading voices behind efforts to create a new Board of Cardiovascular Medicine, spoke with Cardiovascular Business about where things stand today.

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